Of late, QR codes are gaining wide usage in the business sector, with employment basically in the payment systems. The drive to a cashless society makes this the most advanced technologically and most convenient contactless payment method. One needs to use a smartphone application for them to scan, store and share their code scans for purchases, making the payment process for business and individual a lot more easy. And it takes not much to use the QR codes, no need for special equipment. Once you enter any outlet or store, and you find a QR code on an item, you just scan it using the smartphone application and be in position to access all the information stored in the code.

How to access the QR code

You have to download the QR code reader app from your application store be it Android or iOS. You then use the application to scan the QR codes you see from a particular merchant. After viewing the product information, and are satisfied, you can use any payment method that supports this kind of payment method. Read About: EcoBank’s Masterpass QR is a smart move to a cashless society

The Advantages…

QR codes are so easy to generate given the many website which allow you to generate codes with no charge applied. Just Google for “QR code generator”,  and you will be in position to come up with your own choice. You can keep up a hundred times more information on a QR code than you would keep on a mere bar code. QR codes are also easy to scan from any direction making it easy for devices to interpret the informations stored. It is easy and not costly to download the code reader for smartphones, so  the availability is not an issue to worry about.